B6 Berrellium - FLL Team
B6 Berrellium - FLL Team


Work with us and we can get you plenty of pubicity!

April 2017.  Having an awesome afternoon with the brilliant boffins at Cambridge Consultants Ltd!

We saw precision robots handling fruit, a crop sprayer that 'shot' the weeds, amazingly accurate virtual reality - and the blunt instrument that is 100kg of 'Robot Wars' contender!

March 2017.  Receiving a very generous sponsorship cheque from Gary Hammond of the North Hertfordshire Bee Keepers Association. Thank you!

Here's Iona, interviewing award-winning structural engineer Roma Agrawal on the Millennium Bridge last year (for the Institute of Engineering & Technology's 'Awesome Engineers' series)


With Dotty McLeod, live on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

Helping an FLL team from Stanborough School

Feb 2017.  Getting ready to present to the North Hertfordshire Beekeepers' Association

Impressing the judges at our regional heat in Welyn Garden City

Big splash in the Cambridge Evening News!

Newspaper coverage in Spain too!

Reports on a Catalan website

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Tournament Sponsors

Queen Bee Sponsor

Do you want your company here - as our title sponsor?

"B6 Berrellium, UK & Ireland Champions, sponsored by You!"

Call us now - there can only be one Queen Bee!

Bumble Bee Sponsor

Worker Bee Sponsors

Johnson Matthey


The Willberries

Somersham Fosters

Janet Berry


Matthew Foster

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