As First Lego League National Champions, we have been invited to attend the FLL World Festival in St Louis, USA this April - 108 teams from the USA and 42 other countries! Check out the picture below - looks awesome!
We would love to go and represent the UK & Ireland in this fantastic stadium - but we need help.
Personal donations
If you'd like to support our team, and help us get to the World Festival, you'll see our Just Giving page details on the left - every donation helps.
Corporate support or sponsorship
Help us with our project?
If you or your company works with the elements of our project - maybe we can help you, or perhaps you can help us?
We have enthusiasm and commitment - and we love to learn, so please get in touch
We have received loads of support, from lots of friends, individuals, companies and organisations – here’s just a selection of our mentors and sponsors (which we constantly update):